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Bohemian-Bourgeois : Bobo Wines, something for everyone

Bobo, the French expression to describe those who like it both ways, is short for bourgeois and bohemian. Many of us fancy ourselves somewhere on the spectrum, but percentage is a personal choice. is a recently formed platform proffering wines and liquors delivered to anybody who can afford them. Perhaps its aura forsakes Kerouac for Park Avenue but no matter. On offer are an interesting array of mostly European wines, many previously unavailable in Mexico. There are some marvelous bottles from Italy: the Verbo from the southeast region of Basilicata stood out on a recent tasting: its aglianco del Vulture grape is profound: hints of chocolate and black cherry paired perfectly with the roast leg of lamb it accompanied. A genteel Bandol rosé from Provence might send the hard core bohos running but it goes perfectly with light summer fare. Hipster-friendly natural wines are well represented, in keeping with current fashion. 

A real find are the hard-to-find Basque ciders which are dryer and more nuanced than most apple options available in Mexico.

And amongst the few hard liquors listed, is a recently inaugurated and artfully retro-branded gin called Fresco 77 made right in CDMX. It is beautifully aromatic, with deep, Christmasy notes of juniper. It’s so fine that it works both ways: martinis for the your Bourgeois cocktail party, straight up for the boho all-nighter.


Prices range from a few options under $300, many in the $5-600 range and some big splurges for those on the Bourgey end of the spectrum.

Bobo offers speedy same day delivery within the metropolitan area as well as service to provincia. See to order.